Masahiro Tanaka has been redesigning NArray. Word is that it may be pulled into mainline ruby.
So, what is it like? Amazing from what I can tell. How do you play with it? At least on Ubuntu 10.10, this is what I did (there may be other dependencies I've neglected here):
sudo apt-get install libatlas-dev libatlas-base-dev
# modify extconf.rb:
have_header("atlas/cblas.h") ===> have_header("cblas.h")
# modify linalg.c
#include <atlas/cblas.h> ===> #include <cblas.h>
# for ruby 1.9, you also need to change a few normal array things:
diff -r ../narray-new-1.8/narray.c ./narray.c
< n = RARRAY(idxargs)->len;
< ptr = RARRAY(idxargs)->ptr;
> n = RARRAY_LEN(idxargs);
> ptr = RARRAY_PTR(idxargs);
< const static size_t zero=0;
> //const static size_t zero=0;
> static const size_t zero=0;
< ndim = RARRAY(v)->len;
> ndim = RARRAY_LEN(v);
> VALUE *ptr;
< RARRAY(v)->ptr[i] = SIZE2NUM(na->shape[c]);
< RARRAY(v)->len++;
> RARRAY_PTR(v)[i] = SIZE2NUM(na->shape[c]);
> ptr = RARRAY_LEN(v);
> ptr++;
diff -r ../narray-new-1.8/nstruct.c ./nstruct.c
< ndim = RARRAY(argv[i])->len;
> ndim = RARRAY_LEN(argv[i]);
now, you should be able to "ruby extconf.rb", "make", and then
require 'narray' or
require './'