System->Preferences->KeyboardShortcuts then [+Add]
gnome-terminal --geometry 80x52 --working-directory $HOME
I like to set up my keyboard shortcuts with a script since I like to use them on whatever computer I'm on. I did this before with gconftool2 and that worked fine, but now a person has to set them in a different location in a different way... which got me thinking that it would be nice to set keyboard shortcuts in a cross-desktop (KDE, Gnome, wmii, whatever) kind of way.
Solution: xbindkeys
sudo apt-get install xbindkeys
Make a file called '.xbindkeysrc' in your home directory with something like this in it:
control+alt + g
control+alt + n
"firefox -new-window"
control+alt + e
control+alt + h
control+alt + f
"gnome-terminal --geometry 80x40"
control+alt + t
control+alt + m
now you can turn on the shortcuts with the simple command 'xbindkeys', but we'd really like for them to be turned on once when we login. Turns out cross-desktop startup is not very uniform but I think the proper way to do this (cross-desktop) is to do this:
Make sure you have a directory called '.config/autostart'. Then add a file to it called 'xbindkeys.desktop' with content along these lines:
[Desktop Entry]
This is what happens in Gnome when you add an entry in System->Preferences->StartupApplications.
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