Fortunately, there are several other words suggesting that a depiction is not a precise representation of reality but rather a simplification that serves to emphasize certain facts or relationships, and they don't carry any of cartoon's demeaning connotations: diagram, figure, illustration, schematic. IMHO, these are vastly preferable for referring to depictions of biological phenomenon. This seems to be well supported by definitions, synonyms, and word associations:
Merriam-Webster (online)
Etymology: Greek diagramma, from diagraphein to mark out by lines, from dia- + graphein to write — more at carve
Date: 1619
1 : a graphic design that explains rather than represents; especially : a drawing that shows arrangement and relations (as of parts)
2 : a line drawing made for mathematical or scientific purposes
2 : a line drawing made for mathematical or scientific purposes
Inflected Form(s): plural sche·ma·ta \-mə-tə\ also schemas
Etymology: Greek schēmat-, schēma
Date: circa 1890
1 : a diagrammatic presentation; broadly : a structured framework or plan : outline
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin figura, from fingere
Date: 13th century
2 a : a geometric form (as a line, triangle, or sphere) especially when considered as a set of geometric elements (as points) in space of a given number of dimensions b : bodily shape or form especially of a person c : an object noticeable only as a shape or form 3 a : the graphic representation of a form especially of a person or geometric entity b : a diagram or pictorial illustration of textual matter
Date: 14th century
2 : something that serves to illustrate: as a : an example or instance that helps make something clear b : a picture or diagram that helps make something clear or attractive
Etymology: Italian cartone pasteboard, cartoon, augmentative of carta leaf of paper — more at card
Date: 1671
1 : a preparatory design, drawing, or painting (as for a fresco)
2 a : a drawing intended as satire, caricature, or humor b : comic strip
3 : animated cartoon
4 : a ludicrously simplistic, unrealistic, or one-dimensional portrayal or version;
2 a : a drawing intended as satire, caricature, or humor b : comic strip
3 : animated cartoon
4 : a ludicrously simplistic, unrealistic, or one-dimensional portrayal or version
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: drawing, sketch of form or plan
Synonyms: big picture, blueprint, chart, description, design, draft, figure, floor plan, game, game plan, ground plan, layout, outline, perspective, representation, rough draft
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: design
Synonyms: architecture, arrangement, blueprint, chart, comp, composition, conception, constitution, construction, delineation, depiction, diagram, doodle, drawing, dummy, form, formation, game plan, idea, layout, makeup, map, method, model, outline, paste-up, pattern, perspective, picture, plan, project, scheme, strategy, study, tracery, tracing, treatment
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: object with design; depiction
Synonyms: cast, composition, decoration, device, diagram, drawing, effigy, embellishment, emblem, illustration, image, model, mold, motif, motive, ornamentation, pattern, piece, portrait, representation, sketch, statue
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: drawing, artwork that assists explanation
Synonyms: adornment, cartoon, decoration, depiction, design, engraving, etching, figure, frontispiece, halftone, image, line drawing, painting, photo, photograph, picture, plate, sketch, snapshot, tailpiece, vignette
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: funny drawing, often with dialogue or caption
Synonyms: animation, caricature, comic strip, drawing, lampoon, parody, representation, satire, sketch, takeoff
associated to diagram
1. chart weak
2. graph weak
3. draw v. weak
4. plan v. weak
5. block v. weak
associated from diagram
1. chart medium
2. picture medium
3. diaphragm weak
4. drawing v. weak
5. graph v. weak
associated to schema
1. scheme strong
2. axiom weak
3. concept weak
4. fema weak
5. pooh weak
associated from schema
1. scheme strong
2. database weak
3. diagram weak
4. paradigm weak
5. seem weak
associated to figure
1. stick medium
2. action weak
3. father weak
4. shape weak
5. authority v. weak
associated from figure
1. shape medium
2. eight medium
3. skate weak
4. skating v. weak
5. out v. weak
associated to schematic
1. plan strong
2. scheme medium
3. architecture weak
4. blueprint weak
5. diagram weak
associated from schematic
1. blueprint strong
2. system strong
3. design medium
4. drawing medium
5. love medium
associated to illustration
1. example medium
2. drawing medium
3. graphic weak
4. book v. weak
5. capella v. weak
associated from illustration
1. picture strong
2. drawing medium
3. book weak
4. cartoon weak
5. draw weak
associated to cartoon
1. animation v. weak
2. simpsons v. weak
3. anime v. weak
4. disney v. weak
5. character v. weak
associated from cartoon
1. character medium
2. network weak
3. animation weak
4. comic v. weak
5. tv v. weak
Unless your scientific cartoon is like this,
you should probably call it something else.
The word "cartoon" is eminently appropriate. Your mistake lies in maintaining such an unrealistic association of humor with the word "cartoon."
You used the phrase "precise representation of reality." What does that mean? Where in science do we seriously use the claim "precise representation of reality" in either a realistic or precise manner? Science recognizes that the human cognition is beset with muddled processes, and by acknowledging this innate befuddlement of the human condition, we can use various tools to become less muddled. "Precise representation of reality" is akin to the perpetual motion machine and akin to claims that man has figured out all that need be figured out, within any particular realm of nature.
Cartoons are powerful, since they represent the very foundational nature of cognition. What notions in our mind are not cartoons, by their very nature? Also, the most powerful classic cartoons in human history are not humorous. Any element of humor was utilized as a deflection, an allusion that the cartoon is "not serious;" these cases of powerful cartoons are indeed serious.
The rather common run-of-the-mill humor-laden "cartoon" is a mundane knockoff of the real thing. Let's promote cartooning as one of mankind's impressive tools, to be appreciated and therefor utilized far more extensively in vast areas of human thought and creativity.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. My argument is not that we shouldn't be drawing illustrations, figures, or schematics in biology, only that the word "cartoon" seems less appropriate than these others. I do, however, appreciate a different perspective, and I also agree that viewed historically, "cartoon" has more respectability than I am giving it. Perhaps if you and other scientists like the word, I can get used to it in time. :)
@Larry (part 2)
I'm revisiting this post, and I've reflected a bit more on your comment. I would like to respond in greater detail.
You state that the word "cartoon" is "eminently appropriate" and suggest that I am attaching an "unrealistic" association with humor. Words have meaning based on shared understanding, and the association I suggest is dead-on and not at all unrealistic. Here's how wikipedia defines cartoon: "A cartoon is a form of two-dimensional illustrated visual art. While the specific definition has changed over time, modern usage refers to a typically non-realistic or semi-realistic drawing or painting intended for satire, caricature, or humor, or to the artistic style of such works." Who is being unrealistic? Type in the word "cartoon" and do an image or web search in google. The results are clear--when you say the word "cartoon", you cannot help but evoke the primary meaning of that term and suggest that we are dealing with exaggerated or humorous depictions of reality, not merely sketches or diagrams that only simplify reality. My post acknowledges the fact that the word originally did not possess this connotation--but it certainly does now. Biologists are not ignorant of the current usage and connotations of the word. Hence, they must have some other motivation besides staunch adherence to the original, but outdated, usage. For twenty years now I've heard biologists use this word, and I stand by the speculation as to motivation which I offered in this post.
Your critique of my phrase "precise representation of reality" is over-the-top. I used the phrase tongue-in-cheek to emphasize the very point that you make--all of our representations are simplifications! Of course I am not suggesting that a particular schematic or figure can ever be a perfect one-to-one mapping onto reality. However, according to common usage, the kinds of diagrams referred to by biologists as cartoons tend to represent some relationship in *very* broad strokes (e.g., blobs of color on a page or ribbons representing protein secondary structure). The greater the precision, and the less human-intervention in the representation between the raw data being accumulated and the associated representation, the less likely it is that the figure will be referred to as a "cartoon".
Finally, rather than demeaning the noble art of cartooning (defined historically), I'm suggesting that we should use words that, according to modern usage, are more flattering to the art. By refusing to use one of many perfectly acceptable replacement words, you yourself are demeaning the art form which you would like to promote. I agree that we should promote cartooning (historical sense), and nothing in my post suggests otherwise.
I think this is a non-native English problem. For example, in Polish the word 'rysunek' means both 'cartoon' (in the humerous picture sense) as well as 'diagram' (in the scientific illustration sense) so the use of cartoon is probably just a mis-translation from the speaker/writers native language?
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