Monday, May 26, 2014

How to use CapsLock to Left click and more

I wanted to be able to left-click with the keyboard and found that AutoHotKey could help me do that. Here's how to do it:

1. Download and install AutoHotKey
2. Run AutoHotkey
3. Modify AutoHotkey.ahk in notepad, adding these two lines. The second line allows you to still use capslock, but it is now mapped to Shift+CapsLock.
4. Make other desired changes or removals (see their documentation)
5. Re-run AutoHotkey
6. Make AutoHotkey run every time you start you computer by adding a shortcut to your script to the start menu startup folder, as described in the AutoHotkey FAQ:
AutoHotkey FAQ
You may also want to reference the following for more information.
Remapping Keys and Buttons

 Good luck!

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